The college expects the students to conduct themselves in a disciplined and dignified manner in the college and outside. The following rules are to be abided by:

  1. Students shall have to obey orders of the University and of the Principal of the college.
  2. They shall be polite in their dealings with fellow students and the college staff
  3. They should maintain discipline and preserve silence in the class room and the library
  4. They shall not damage or destroy college or university property.
  5. They shall not attend the class when they are patient of any contagious disease.
  6. They shall not loiter in the corridors or indulge in unruly behavior anywhere in the college  campus.

Students may be fined or/and suspended for a period or/and expelled from the college for any breach of discipline.

The students must be regular and punctual in all their classes. They must have to attend at least 75 % of their classes in an academic session. This is strictly required by the rules of V.U. Willful absence shall be severely dealt with. Participation in N.S.S. and N.C.C. are highly expected.